The director of the last three Hunger Games films reunites with Jennifer Lawrence for an erotic revenge thriller. The star-studded cast also includes Joel Edgerton, Matthias Schoenaerts, Jeremy Irons, Mary Louise Parker and Charlotte Rampling.
The story follows Jennifer Lawrence as Dominika Egorova, a young ballet dancer whose career is ended by a terrible injury. Facing an uncertain future, Dominika enters the “sparrow school”, a secret intelligence service that will train her to become an assassin. After enduring a cruel training programme she emerges as the school’s deadliest Sparrow.
The film promises to be a twisty suspenseful thriller. The trailer emphasises the erotic nature of Dominka’s method of taking out her targets. The premise recalls Luc Besson’s La Femme Nikita.
After the teen friendly action-sci fi of The Hunger Games it will be interesting to see if director Francis Lawrence is able to as effectively produce adult orientated action. Revolutionary Road screenwriter Justin Haythe is adapting Jason Mathews script.
The talent involved and the risqué premise make this one to look out for in 2018. The film is released on 2nd March 2018.