Matthew Whitaker

A dedicated geek in both the technical production workings, as well as cinema both old and new. He has watched all 300+ episodes of The Forensic Files, 12 seasons of Flip or Flop, and he regularly rewatches Vin Diesel movies.
Lover of Chanbara, Bruceploitation, action cinema rife with guns, headshots, unlikely heroes, characters too cool for school, fast cars, bowls of sashimi, everything Kitano.
He turns the dials of, is the host of the SM Podcast, The Punch Drunk Social Hour, Cinema Bushido, and The Clones Cast.
Paul Salt

Paul Salt is a British approximation of a Man. He lives in London and lives for film. He is a co-host of the One Good Thing Podcast and enjoys nothing more than getting into a deep discussion about film, films and the cinema.
He loves quiet cinemas, genre movies, practical effects, a deliberate pace, strong female characters, and the IMAX.
He hates phones in cinemas, excessive CGI, lazy humour and Michael Bay.
Sarah Jae Leiber

Sarah Jae Leiber misses MoviePass. She’s the hypothetical bastard daughter of Carrie Fisher and Paul Simon and the hypothetical bastard niece of Nora Ephron and Carl Bernstein.
Over the past two years, she made a point to watch every single movie Tom Hanks made in the 80s, though she’s not really sure what point she was actually making. She also writes plays and satire.
Taylor Hunsberger

Taylor Hunsberger is an essayist, poet, and educator currently residing in Brooklyn. She has written for Manor Vellum, Screen Queens, and The Broadway Beat. During the day she works for Wingspan, an arts-focused after school program, where she is a Site Assistant and teaches music classes to elementary students. In addition, Taylor is an Outreach Artist for Urban Stages where she tours her and her collaborator’s original children’s musical “Juno’s Alien Adventure” to libraries around the city. In the words of her favorite poet Olivia Gatwood, she is a “good girl, bad girl, dream girl, sad girl.” More of her work can be found at or @tayparade on social media where she usually just tweets a variation of the sentence “I love movies.”
Jana Rumberger

Jana Rumberger makes art, words, and sounds. She loves documentaries, romantic comedies, trashy fiction, biographies, and the occasional action flick. When she isn’t writing books, writing for the site, or podcasting with the crew, she can be found making other people’s words sound better.
Chris Kacvinsky

As a former professional wrestling play-by-play announcer, host of the Bulletproof Podcast, and one of the founders of, Chris’ love of fights with predetermined endings knows no bounds.
The same can be said about Chris’ love of movies and Screen Mayhem is the perfect platform for Chris to provide retro movie reviews for a wide variety of genres. Let the mayhem begin!
Lee Van Clief

Our Resident Anarchist is a dirty bird of a man, hopped up on world history, economics, and anything that isn’t normal. When he isn’t partaking of Bourbon and daydreaming about what role indentured servitude may play in colonizing the stars; he is usually listening to lectures, reading something boring, or destroying the kids of single mothers on Overwatch. He thinks Puccini is life, the ipod was the greatest invention of mankind and his superpower is that he is lucky in his friends.
He knows next to nothing about cinema.